Guess the Move!

Move # Your Move Comment

Mini-Howto: First, select a game or paste a pgn. The stored games are from sources found in the acknowledgements below.

If you are certain about the game, confirm your selection clicking on "OK".

You may play from either side, so you need to chose black or white.

After that, take a cup of tea and Start Guess the Move! The board will have your side as orientation and you will make moves from this side. Your move will be evaluated, from "Good" (less than 20 centipawn loss to computer move) through some intermediate steps: "OK" > 20 centipawns. "Dubious" >50 centipawns, mistake > 100 centipawns and blunder > 200 centipawns. Don't worry if you have quite a number of blunders. You're probably not 2700 and chess is complicated - it's great that you are here trying to improve!

Moves from the other side are made automatically after your move and the original move are evaluated. Then, eventually, your move will be replaced (if not identical) with the actual move in the game.

This tool is for educational purposes only. I hope you find "Guess the Move" useful to go through some high level games. I do, especially seeing where I would have chosen much weaker approaches than the top players.

The software surely has bugs. I am not a programmer. Thank you, happy guessing! Robert.

1. Select or Paste a Game

2. Confirm Game Selection


No game selected.

3. Chose Side to Play: White or Black

4. Start Guess The Move!

Complete Move Evaluation Table

Move Number Your Move Your Move Eval Your Move Comment Computer Move Computer Move Eval Master Move Master Move Evaluation

Footer - Acknowledgements

The following technology / ressources have been used for this website:
All these tools / ressources are highly appreciated, they are at the core of modern chess architecture and learning!
Misc Sponsor of this website: